Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Twenty Ten, Gang!

Been a long time updating, but fear not! The GRAYSCALE project is nearing (a long-delayed) completion and I'm pretty psyched to say that it has finally reached the expectations I set when I decided to start working on it way back at the beginning of 2009 - or earlier, for the people who've been waiting for an album from me for years now...I know, I know. I'm a chronic procrastinator.

So anyways, I won't give a set-in-stone release date, but let's go ahead and say the end of this month? How's that strike your fancy? Seeing as how I'm doing most of the production myself and it's taken almost an entire year to get this album from concept to fruition, that seems like a reasonable date.

A quick word about the creative process, if I may. When I started working on the GRAYSCALE project, it was going to be a mix of new material and re-recorded old songs (Contagious, It All Falls, etc) packaged neatly to appeal to both people who'd never heard my strange brew before and fans who've been listening (or letting my mp3s stagnate on a hard drive) for the many years I've been sporadically releasing material. A large amount of the tracks were punchline driven throwaways and battle-rap posturing, as many of my songs have been in the past. As the months went by and songs were added and removed from the roster, GRAYSCALE became more of a personal outlet, a chance to express myself on a deeper analytical level. As a result, most of the original lineup was scrapped and new songs were re-written with an actual focus in mind.

I'm not going to digress into the murky swamp of my personal life, but know that the finished GRAYSCALE project is about as close a mirror to myself as I can make at this point in my creative timeline. I hope it's as good as I think it is. :P

That much said, it's a new year and it feels good to be back on track! Here's a remix I did to tide you over until the release. It's pretty self explanatory. Enjoy!

PS: If you haven't already added yourself to the mailing list, please send an email to swamisound @ gmail . com with "EMAIL BLAST" in the title and your name in the message! I swear there's going to be actual content in it this year. Peace!

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