Two days have passed since the Grayscale Album Release party exploded at Velvet Lounge; my body is still aching, my voice is still raspy and my head is still somewhere up in the clouds. Let's face it...that was a damn good party. Now in this post, not only will I talk about how amazing it was, I'm gonna thank people who helped make it possible. If you're the kind of impatient son of a bitch who skips past the credits in a movie, you might get bored of this. Just a warning.
So yeah, 126 heads showed up to pack the Velvet Lounge. Now there's no doubt in my mind that at NO point were there actually 126 people upstairs at once - i'm pretty sure the entire row house would have caved in on itself if that were the case - but the fact that 126 people came to this event and stayed for one portion or another...that's amazing! Thank you, all of you, for coming out and supporting live local music with such enthusiasm and energy. When we move up to a larger venue, I promise there'll be more room for you to dance!
Without descending too deep into the realm of critical masturbation, all three sets were high-energy, intense and fun as hell. Watusi Cultleader - an underground force in the DC hip hop scene - brought a frenetic rage to the stage, pumping up the crowd to an almost mosh pit-like frenzy. The New Retro - the kings of suit-funk - sounded tighter than I've ever heard them before, thriving off the energy of a packed room. And I guess, I - me - was pretty good as well.
Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves! Velvet made off with BANK again, thanks to the creative, promotional powers of Sleeper Cell Productions. Of course, behind every great event, there are many people responsible for its success. Since it was my party - and everyone kept calling me the man of the hour :/ - I'm going to go through and name them all now so they get their proper credit.
First of all, thanks to the rest of the Sleeper Cell production/promotion team: Oscar Martinez, TJ Toohey, and Michael J O'Brien. From the inception of this party as an idea through the planning, promoting, organizing and stressing, these guys have worked their asses off to make the show a success. Without them, there would have been no show and no possibility for bigger, better shows in the future. Thanks are also due to Leah Matthews for consistently being a organized and dedicated merchgirl/shirtsgirl. Thanks are also due to Debra Greenspan for helping with all of the merch throughout the night. Way to hold it down!
Thank you to the other artists who contributed to this party. First and foremost, thank you to the other Michael O'Brien for his awe-inspiring artwork for the fliers, posters, and prints. The moment we saw the design for those fliers, we knew that this show was going to be a success. The man is hard-working, extremely talented and probably still has screen prints of the show poster for sale. You contact him and go buy one. Secondly, thank you to the members of New Retro: Enoch R, Weymouth Spence, Aubrey Che Adams, Dave Matthews and Jason Stewart. As a band, the New Retro have trimmed off some of the fat and become a lean, mean funk machine. They rocked the house, justifiably. Last, but not least, thanks to Dave Watusi Cultleader for the raw energy that he brought to the stage. In any circumstance, cold opening a show is a trial of nerves and will, but Dave was up to the challenge. And it worked amazingly.
I'd like to also thank the rotating members of my band/ensemble for sticking with me through my many attempts at rehearsals, notes, frantic emails and text messages, etc etc. First of all, credit to Chris Sandler and DJ As One, Artit Sriboonruang. As the backbone of my set, my drummer and DJ held it down incredibly, meshed perfectly the first time meeting, and killed it whenever we had a rehearsal (twice). I can't wait to work with such talented individuals again. Next, thanks to Josh Baker, my crooner, for playing with me just about every show I've done. That Don't Call Me jam worked out perfectly at the show. Let's try and one up it for the next one, eh? Also, thanks to Jesse Veihmeyer, Byron Cole and Becky Larion for their contributions to my set. You guys were awesome, and I can't wait to embarrass you on stage again next time!
And now for some miscellaneous and assorted thanks! Thanks to Matt Toohey, Jeff Buchanan and the rest of the RoboNation crew for not only coming and supporting, but recording the show as well! Your bootleg will not be forgotten! Thanks to Alex, the photographer whose last name escapes me, for taking some grimey looking photos of the night! Thanks to Brandon Bush for letting us rock his amazing camo djembe. Thanks to Elise Johnson for not slapping me for wiping my sweat all over your purse during the set; thanks to the Jersey kids for coming down en masse to [escape Jersey] see the show! Your dedication to the cause is noted! Thanks to all the Dirty30 Staph members who risked life and limb to come out and see me with so much else at stake. Thank you to the staff of Velvet Lounge for putting up with us yet again! And finally, once again, thanks to each and every one of you that came out! Without you, there wouldn't be us (in the form of live partys, not in the existential sense). If I forgot anyone, please remind me so you can get your just credit!
It was so much fun. Let's do it again soon, ok?